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12 Ways to Help Pets Adjust to Being Home Alone

lonely French Bulldog looking out window
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Pets thrive on routine—they like to eat, go for walks, and play on a set schedule. Of course, human schedules aren’t always consistent. Maybe you’ve been working from home for a while but you recently started commuting to the office more regularly. Or maybe your pet has gotten used to having family members at home over summer break, and you’re worried how they’ll react when back-to-school season hits.

So what happens to our dogs and cats when we go back to work, kids go back to school, and we generally begin spending more time away from home? 

Luckily, there are steps pet parents can take to reduce separation anxiety and help their dogs and cats establish healthy, new routines. We asked some experts to share tips and strategies to help pets cope with big changes. 

Understanding Separation Anxiety in Pets

Separation anxiety in pets is triggered when humans leave their dogs or cats alone. While not all pets will experience separation anxiety when their owners aren’t at home, many will struggle. 

Maybe your pet has never spent a full day alone yet. Or maybe your pet used to be content home alone during the day but has gotten accustomed to all the attention and having their human family members close by. 

Some common signs of pet separation anxiety include:

  • Urinating or defecating (even when housetrained) when left alone
  • Whining and crying
  • Panting and drooling
  • Shaking and trembling
  • Barking and howling
  • Pacing back and forth
  • Chewing, digging, or other destructive behaviors
  • Attempting to escape
  • Not eating

Separation anxiety in pets is often just as stressful for pet parents. Destructive behaviors can cause household damage or put a pet’s health at risk due to escape attempts or excessive chewing. 

And while separation anxiety can be challenging to overcome, there are things you can do at home to help reduce the likelihood of this behavior before spending more time outside of your home. 

5 Tips to Help Pets with Separation Anxiety

Cat playing with ball and string

While some pets may have no problem returning to their old routines, others will be confused, says Gila Kurtz, professional dog trainer and co-founder of Dog is Good. “We owe it to our pets to ease them back into the routine they will need to adapt to again,” Kurtz says.

Whether work or school schedules will be shifting, consider these tips and recommendations to help prepare your pets for the transition. 

Re-Establish a Work-Friendly Routine

If you’ve been working from home, your routine has probably changed dramatically from what it was when you were commuting to the office. Maybe you get out of bed later, your pet eats at a different time, you go for walks or do pet playtime at different times throughout the day. 

But again, dogs and cats thrive on routines. So, if you’re going to start commuting to an office again, it’s important to get your pet used to your new schedule before you leave for your first day.

“Start mimicking a schedule that you think you can maintain when you go back to work,” says Valerie Tynes, veterinary behaviorist and veterinary services specialist for Ceva Animal Health. “For instance, if you can’t do one-hour walks when you go back to work, start taking 10-minute walks.”

Create Safe Spaces In Your Home

Your dog or cat is probably used to hanging out with you in your home office or curling up with you on the sofa, but it’s important to designate safe, comfortable places for your pets to enjoy while you’re not at home.

For dogs, this might include a crate, bed, or gated area with puzzle toys, blankets, and plenty of water. For cats, this might be a space with a cat tree, a place to scratch, and easy access to the litter box and a drinking fountain.

Try to get your pet comfortable in their safe space while you’re still at home, or while you go for a walk around the block by yourself. Reward them with treats and praise for using the designated space. 

Hire a Dog Walker or Pet Sitter

Your pets have probably gotten used to some company and maybe some extra walks throughout the day. So to help keep them exercised, entertained, and happy, now may be a great time to explore local dog walkers or pet sitters in the area. These professionals can come by during the day and spend some time with your dog or cat.

Slowly Create Some Distance

Before you leave your pet alone for longer stretches, start to slowly get your pet used to you leaving the house more frequently. This could be for a few minutes to go for a walk around the block or a half a day as you take a safe day trip or plan an outdoor picnic. Make sure to keep exits and returns low key. Don’t greet your dog or cat with a big fan fare when you arrive home. Getting your pet used to you leaving and returning will help put their minds at ease. 

Don’t Rule Out a Vet Visit

While there is a very good chance that your pet may be experiencing separation anxiety, it’s always a good idea to make sure there’s nothing else that could be causing your dog or cat’s symptoms. If you try the above tips or purchase some helpful products, but your pet still shows symptoms like shaking, drooling, vomiting, or not wanting to eat, it’s a good idea to have them evaluated by your veterinarian. Some medical problems can have similar symptoms to separation anxiety, so you can never be too safe. If your vet gives your pet a clean bill of health, and your pet still can’t seem to calm down, it’s time to consult a professional behavior consultant to help.